Saturday, April 22, 2017

Staff Spotlight on Mr. Ryan!

For our next installment of our "Spotlight on..." series, we chose to interview one of the newer members of the ASES team, Mr. Ryan. Here are some of the things we found out about him.

Do you miss being a kid? Why/why not?
No. It was fun but I like being myself right now.

Do you have any pets? If not, what pet would you like?
No. I would like a dog.

Can you do a British accent?
Yes but it is very BAD!

Where did you go to college? What was your major?
I went to Sac State and majored in philosophy.

What brand of shoes do you like? How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I like Nike's. I own about two dozen pairs of shoes.

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
My favorite TV show is Game of Thrones. My favorite movies are Interstellar and The Shawshank Redemption.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is green.

What is your favorite food and where do you go to get it?
My favorite food is pizza and I like to make it myself.

Where were you born?
I was born in Sacramento CA.

How old are you?
I'm 25 years old.

What is your favorite hobby and why?
I like rock climbing. It is fun and keeps me in good shape.

Artist Spotlight on Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee is part of our 5th grade ASES classroom and was inspired by a certain Pixar animation for his latest drawing. He is a great asset to our ASES Leadership Team.

What does the word "friendship" mean to you?

For our written component during our literacy days, students were asked to answer the short prompt, "What does the word 'friendship' mean to you?" These were their responses.

"Friendship means sharing, helping, caring, and playing with each other. It means that they love you and they will be on your side and your friend forever. Maybe."
-Adryna Montemayor 

"Friendships mean two people or more are friends and BFFs. Friendship means they do not fight a lot."
-Isaias Pallib

"Friendship means you don't fight or beat up people. And don't be rude."
-Alan Bei

"Friendship is when there is that kid that always wants to play with you. They want to stand up for you and you can tell that person anything without them laughing."
-Oliver Junod

"Friendship means that that's a person you can trust."
-Estrella Gill-Beasley

"Friendship means to be loved by others that aren't your family and you have other people to be your BFF together and do everything together. Friendship goes to different levels like friends, great friends, best friends, BFFs, and marriage. That is what I think friendship means to me."
-Lillian Humes

"Friendship means people that care about me and I care about them."
-Talan Luo

"Friendship means that there is trust between you and your friends."
-Katie Wurster

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Enroll Your Student in Summer Matters!

Summer Matters is a FREE 6 week program that is funded by the district. It will run from June 26th (one week after we are out of school) until August 3rd and it runs from Monday - Thursday from 8AM-2PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Its goals are to provide a safe, academically enriched environment that will prevent summer learning loss as well as allow students to catch up to grade level if they are not already there.

The application is due on April 23 and parents and guardians will be notified of their students' acceptance by May 15.

Below are direct links to the applications for Summer Matters. Please be advised that it is grade dependent and that there are separate applications for elementary school, middle school, and high school. Use your students' INCOMING grade.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Artist Spotlight on Lucia Xu

Lucia is in our 4th grade ASES classroom and loves to draw. She is an integral part of our Spirit Committee and is the illustrator behind many of the posters seen around campus.